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Joba is a hard luck case and he doesn;’t help himself because of the way he is. He is injury prone. He is overweight. He drinks. He never stood up for himself when the Yankees actually ruined him by not just letting him pitch. He wanted to be a Starter. He started and failed because of those stupid rules they laid on him. He and his agent should have disagreed and he should have asked for a trade. The result. He will not be resigned when his contract is up this year. He will be traded at the deadline. Another team will make him a starter,cheap jerseys, put him on a weight and program, and the Dude will clock his fast ball in the 94 96 MPH range. he used to throw 98 99 when he first came up. His wind up and pitching style was to violent to be a starter and he should have been made a late inning reliever out of the gate. The Yankees suck at pitching talent and development and have sine Gene Michael left and Cashman became the GM. The Yankees only can hope to buy pitching. No minor league pitching prospects and when they do have them,they either trade them or ruin them. Joba is one of the ones they ruined and will trade away. He will find success as a starter somewhere else because his style of pitching is not a violent as it was when he was throwing 98 99. Plus as a reliever hje has learned how to PITCH, not throw! Yes I am a Yankee fan, but I am also a realist and a Baseball fan. The Yankees have to buy pitchers. Don’t believe me? The last good home grown pitcher was Andy Petttie from 1995! Look at Hughes and Nova their two latest home growns. They are inconsitant, can not pitch from the stretch and they have a mental collapse as soon as things do not go their way and give up homers or big innings,sports blog. Sorry, the truth hurts me as it would any Yankee fan, but them is the facts ,cheap jerseys!!!
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